E A U create Evolution.Arch.Urbanismstrategy and designNew York

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"Industrial Arch off the mainstream" presents 

@ New York New Design, AIA New York

Feb 11th - May 28th 2016

We brought evolution of industrial site to New York New Design at AIA New York. The built setting talks to landscape, natural light, people on site and everyone who is interested in object of post-industrialization and urbanism. If industrial site was neglected due to short of social investment and commercial promotion, we are making efforts to cast light on industrial site standing off the mainstream, echoing the interactions. Industrial sites do not agglomerate on the edge of cities. It is becoming the center of emerging city and scattering into the existing urban fabric. Being sensitive is E A U's attitude to people, environment and culture on site. 

"Industrial Arch off the mainstream" is part of "Dissolving.Cities"

© Zhe Jin. All rights reserved

When overlapping population increasing trend from 2000 to 2080 with other important indexes such as PPP, job opportunity, virtual water exchange and climate change vulnerability in the global scale, few region in the world has enough natural resource, capital and manpower all together to sustain a comprehensive growth by itself. Growth juxtaposes with declination globally and regionally.

The imbalanced distribution of material, capital and manpower is essential to reshape industrial development and the flows of exchange. It melts many cultural boundaries in global scale, but redraws conflicts in a micro scale. It may revert the regional trend of urbanization to de-urbanization. It stimulates design to dissolve controversies between urban, farming, industry, and landscape preservation, to face the common issues of limited natural resource, imbalanced distribution of capital and manpower.

A series of research and design has been conducted under the model of Dissolving.City. It states to reshape fragmented sites, to dissolve controversial elements, to encourage creativity and social engagement, and to bring building, landscape, clean air and water improvement... together.

E A U create Evolution.Arch.Urbanismstrategy and designNew York

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